30 Years of

Modular Automation System

Thank you for your loyalty!

Since 1994, our benchmark has been to deliver only the best solution for our customers. We look back on three decades of innovation, made possible only by your continuous trust and valuable feedback. Together with you, we have evolved from a young special machine manufacturer to a leading provider of modular automation solutions. The components available on the market at that time did not meet our high quality standards for customer solutions. Driven by this need and following a thorough analysis, we developed our own, completely new Modular Automation System based on play-free and vibration-proof Fastening and Extrusion Technology with the unique 14 mm t-slot. For decades, our customers have benefited from this across a wide range of applications, continuing to do so today. The solutions from the world’s simplest, fastest and most flexible Modular Automation System also ensure increased efficiency and productivity in your automation processes.

Take a look with us at the innovations, developments and experiences of the last 30 years!

30 years of Robotunits Icon_since 1994

Who and what is actually behind Robotunits?

We warmly invite you to get to know us and our company’s history, and to explore where our shared future can take us.

International growth

What began as a vision in Dornbirn has grown into an international success story. Today, Robotunits, in addition to its headquarters in Vorarlberg, Austria, is represented by 7 branches in Germany, Italy, the USA, and Australia, as well as over 23 sales partners worldwide. This global presence enables us to respond quickly across borders and provide competent and personalized consulting for your automation projects.

Dornbirn, AUT

Our headquarters in Vorarlberg provide an inspiring environment where tradition and innovation come together to create your solutions of tomorrow.

Auronzo di Cadore, ITA
Production site

In the heart of the Dolomites, this location, with its own warehouse and close collaboration with our headquarters, ensures reliable delivery throughout Italy.

New Jersey, USA
Production site

With 52 employees, the New Jersey location represents growth and creates the ideal combination of global strength and local presence through on-site assembly.

Tullamarine Victoria, AUS Production site
Strategically located in Melbourne’s industrial area, Robotunits bridges Australia’s vast distances to reliably meet your needs.
30 years of Robotunits Icon_since 1994
Around 14,500 orders

were processed at the headquarters in Dornbirn in 2023.

12,000,000 meters

aluminum extrusions have been processed since 2001.

49 countries worldwide

trust in the quality of Robotunits.

Innovative strength as an essential part of our DNA

Our passion for innovation and the commitment to rethink automation drive us to continuously push the boundaries of what is possible. At Robotunits, innovation therefore not only means creating something new, but also constantly questioning and improving what already exists. This mindset has allowed us to achieve numerous product innovations over the years for the success of our customers.

Robotunits spielfreie und vibrationssichere Profil- und Verbindungstechnik

Introduction of our play-free, vibration-proof Fastening and Extrusion technology with the 14 mm t-slot.

The conveyor belts C5N and C1N are developed and launched in the market.

1996 Robotunits Gurtförderband

Market launch of the C4N and C8N conveyor belts.

Completion of the safety fence system, accompanied by a new catalogue.

Zahnriemenförderband 80

Development of the C4T and C8T timing belt conveyors.

Basic Element aus dem Robotunits Schutzzaunsystem

Safety fence system is revised (Basic, Allround).

2013 Robotunits Förderband Direktantrieb

Development of C4N and C5N direct drive. Frame modification for C4N (continuous longitudinal profile).

Modulbandförderer Kurve mit Kopfantrieb

C8M and C8MC Modular Belt Conveyors are launched in the market.

Robotunits Gurtförderer mit Messerkante

New modular belt for C8M and the nose bar for our belt conveyors.

Omega Linear Motion Unit launched in the market. Expansion of C5N and C8N with center drives.

MBS PickStar GL – Round - Materialbereitstellungssystem

The MBS-PickStar Material Handling System and the Powered Roller Conveyor with round belt and simple control module are launched.

Flipchart One aus Aluminiumprofilen

Flipchart One launched in the market.

Rollenförderband Kurve (R5C) - Rollenförderer von Robotunits

Curved Powered Roller Conveyor and Powered Roller Conveyor with network control modules from Kyowa launched. As well as the MBS-PickStar sliding version.

Rollenförderer mit Seitenführung

Powered Roller Conveyors with Poly-V belts, side guides and the corner transfer unit from Kyowa and Z+L conveyors are introduced.

Dreheinheit mit Rollenförderband

Conveyor Technology is also available with 24V drives. Turntable is launched in the market.

Heber mit Rollenförderer

Transfer Unit is designed in-house. The Robotunits Lift Station is developed.

Behälterpaket mit Behälter 200x150

The Tote System consisting of dimensionally stable boxes and trays is launched in the market.

Eingang zum Robotunits Hauptsitz in der Heron Innovations Factory in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg

30 years of experience, growth and innovation

With a clear focus on transparency and a commitment to continuous development, Robotunits has made history over the past decades. Our milestones reflect not only our growth, but also the trust that our customers have placed in us over the years.

With gratitude, we reflect on the steps that have made us what we are today: a strong company with a consistent spirit of collaboration that allows us to grow together with you and explore new paths.

1987 Gründung Heron Sondermaschinenbau
Heron Sondermaschinenbau is founded

Christian Beer founds Heron Sondermaschinenbau for fully automated assembly lines.

1994 Gründung Robotunits GmbH
Robotunits GmbH is founded

After years of development, the market launch of a completely new, user-friendly Modular Automation System is launched.

Verleihung des Vorarlbergers Innovationspreis an Robotunits GmbH
Awarded the Innovation Prize

The state of Vorarlberg and the Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce award Robotunits the “Innovation Prize of the Vorarlberg Economy” for the development of the Modular Automation System.

1997 Gründung der betriebseigenen Kinderbetreuung Löwenzahn und Seidenpfote
Foundation of our in-house childcare facility

“Löwenzahn & Seidenpfote”, the first of its kind in Vorarlberg.

2000 Einführung Lean Prinzip Arbeitsweise als erstes Unternehmen in Europa
Lean as a working principle

Heron is the first company in Central Europe to introduce the lean principle as a working method to enhance the value chain. This includes the use of Kanban shelves, working according to the 5S methodology and the early introduction of a webshop.

Foundation of Robotunits INC. USA

Location in Cranbury, New Jersey

Übergabe der Auszeichnung für das familienfreundlichste Unternehmen Österreichs im Jahr 2002
Most family-friendly company

For outstanding community and social engagement, the then Minister of Social Affairs, awarded the company “Austria’s Most Female- and Family-Friendly Business.” Bettina Beer, Herbert Haupt, Christian Beer and Greti Schmid.

Foundation of Robotunits Pty Ltd – Australia

Location in Tullamarine, Victoria

Foundation of Robotunits Italia S.r.l. – Italy

Location in Belluno, Auronzo di Cadore

New construction of the company headquarters in Dornbirn

With 6000 square meters of usable space, the subsidiaries Servus, Robotunits and Heron CNC-Technik benefit from optimal conditions in the smart factory. The Heron building opened in September 2007.

Verleihung des Vorarlberger Gesundheitspreis 2008 an das Unternehmen Heron Innovations Factory GmbH
Vorarlberg Health Award

For its investments in health, the company was recognized by the state of Vorarlberg and the Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce, receiving the Vorarlberg Health Award.

Gebäudefoto der Firmenzentrale von Robotunits GmbH
Expansion of the company building

Expansion of the assembly hall and office space at the company headquarters.

Unsere Kindergruppe „Löwenzahn und Seidenpfote“ bezieht das neue Gebäude auf dem Gelände der Firmenzentrale
Opening our "House by the lake"

Our children’s group “Löwenzahn und Seidenpfote” moves into the new building on the premises of the company headquarters.

Preisverleihung zum Vorarlbergs Unternehmer des Jahres 2019: Christian Beer
Vorarlberg's entrepreneur of the year: Christian Beer

The “Entrepreneur of the Year” prize awarded by Vorarlberger Nachrichten in 2019 goes to Christian Beer, Owner and Managing Director of the Heron Group. In addition, he was awarded the Order of Merit of the Republic of Austria by the Federal Chancellor.

2022 Erweiterungsbau Unternehmensstandort Dornbirn
Expansion of the company site in Dornbirn

The strong company growth necessitates another expansion of the company site. This provides 14,400 m² of space for underground parking, exhibition and assembly areas, offices, a company restaurant, a fitness room and a new innovation lab.

Team spirit as a key to success for 30 years

A common goal in mind

The Robotunits team embodies a forward-looking work culture that shapes our way of working. From a business perspective, it defines what sets us and our innovations apart. This is because: We believe that a diverse and motivating working environment is a fertile ground for new ideas and exceptional performance. We strive to create an environment where our team can thrive both professionally and personally.

How do you, as a customer, benefit from our early risers preparing for the work day in our in-house gym at 6am? When important discussions about current projects takes place in our cafeteria? Or when our employees enjoy freshly prepared and balanced meals in organic quality in the company’s own restaurant “Haselnuss”? With a motivated team that shares in the joy of performance and success, we are committed to delivering innovative and sustainable solutions for you.

Open and motivated team

Recreation areas with spacious garden

Health and well-being

In-house childcare

Would you like to learn more about the world of Robotunits?

Whether it’s about our history, product range or work culture – we look forward to hearing from you! Simply fill out the form below and we will respond as soon as possible.

  • 30 years of Robotunits
  • Who we are
  • International growth
  • Innovation
  • Company history
  • Corporate culture
  • Contact us